Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Ramen for lunch.

Iron chef pork

The night before.

Searing some pork belly. 

Boiling toil and trouble. 


The next day. 

Broiling bite size pieces right before serving. 

Sautéing oyster mushrooms with garlic, ginger and chile pepper flakes. 

Final dish. Pork belly salad. 

Bacon explosion by Josh

Pork tenderloin by Kyra. 

Gyoza by Noel

Some ramen by me. 

Breakfast the next day

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Chicken Basil

I don't know what I'm doing but it works.

Half a chicken breast.
Thai basil a couple dozen leaves. 
1/4 tsp shrimp paste
1/8 fish oil
2 garlic cloves
1/4 tsp Red chile flakes
Salt / pepper

I've never had chicken basil before but I wanted to make something I've never had before. I decided to just wing it without looking at any recipes. I started by sautéing some garlic cloves with some red chile flakes. Next I added the chicken along with the shrimp paste, salt and pepper. Once the chicken is cooked remove from heat add the fish oil and the basil leaves. The residual heat should be enough to cook the basil. 

The end result was very tasty. I will have to give this a try next time I'm out and see how it compares. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Ten Zaru (cold soba with tempura)

Making the soba dipping sauce. 

3 parts water
1 part soy sauce
1 part mirin

Heat all ingredients in a sauce pan. Stir gently and remove from heat before mixture reaches a simmer. Let dipping sauce cool and then chill before serving.

Vegetable preparation. 

Tempura batter. 

1 egg
1 cup flour
1 cup water

Batter ingredients should be kept cold. I use a double boiler system using ice instead of simmering water. 
Mix ingredients only slightly, some clumps of flour should remain. 

Get frying

Temperature 180 - 190 C

Work in small batches and maintain temperature control. 

Between batches scoop out excess batter. 

Use a drying rack for the cooked tempura. 

Almost done.

Grind some ginger, dice up some green onions and put a dab of wasabi on to a plate. This can be used to enhance  the dipping sauce to your taste. 

Bring a pot of water to boil to cook soba noodles according to the instructions. Serve noodles and tempura on a plate and dipping sauce in a bowl.

Dig in. 

Pho tai for breakfast

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

So you started a blog

I guess I decided to start a blog to keep better track of everything I eat. Friends often ask for recipes which I never put together in the first place or keep track of but this would allow me to do both. We will see how this works out as tend to get bored easily.